SCAM ALERT - Beware of Foreign Recruiters

Have you noticed that over the past few years there has been a large influx of foreign born recruiters approaching you? As with a lot of industries, US recruiting has also been infiltrated by outsourcing firms.  They email or phone you with jobs promising salary ranges far above anyone else in the market.  You provide them with your resume, that has your name, address and email. Then they ask you for additional information, like all or part of your SSN and your birthday for submission. After submission, you never hear from them again.  Is it possible that you just got scammed?

At first, I thought nothing of the increase in calls from foreign born recruiters. chalking it up to a sign of the times with the increase of globalization and outsourcing. But hearing about these scams from more than 1 person in the past few weeks, I have to take it seriously and help others.

Yes, there's a new trend targeting people who are currently searching out employment. These fake recruiters promise you anything to get your information, then a few weeks or months down the road sell your information to the highest bidder who starts opening accounts and credit with your information. 

Not all foreign recruiters are scam artists, but I wrote this article today to have you take care of your information. Because ID crimes are being perpetrated through recruiting, I advise you to take caution when dealing with foreign born recruiters.   

Don't let yourself be a victim!

Be safe,
LD Forester
