Office Politics - Understanding the Arrogant Prick

Dealing with the Arrogant Prick
If the mere mention of this personality brings back memories and makes you recoil, leaving a bad taste in your mouth or incites anger, then it’s hitting that nerve for a reason.

Remember that you are inferior to no one. As a matter a fact it’s the arrogant jerk who is feeling inferior to everyone, that’s why they act so poorly toward others with an over inflated unjustified ego.

You’ll notice that even the most intelligent of these individuals will not be the ones getting promoted, frankly because executive management doesn’t like the way that they treat others. Unfortunately they’re clueless why others are promoted around them.

In my experience, it’s best not to react in any way to this personality. Over complimenting them to gain their friendship is only a waste of time, so is butting heads with them.  And pointing out their arrogance may make it worse. 

Eventually, if they’re smart, they’ll realize that their attitude is keeping them back at the office and in life as a whole, and they’ll take steps to become more secure.

In life, you often see people who act arrogant. These are usually the people with the shiniest toys, draping themselves over their flashy cars. I think you’ve all met someone like this outside the office, as I point out this example to help you realize that this is the same person, over compensating for their shortcomings and insecurity by their arrogance.

Take heart my friends and breathe in deeply as you do not react to this personality.   It’s not about you!